Facial radiofrequency is an aesthetic medicine technique capable of tightening the skin by means of an electrical current that stimulates the subcutaneous tissues. -Stimulates the creation of collagen -Improves circulation -Eliminates localized fat -Ideal to combine with other techniques.

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Diamond-tipped hygiene is a type of microdermabrasion, an aesthetic treatment that exfoliates the skin by penetrating the macroparticles of the dermis and removing dead cells. -Provides firmness -Knows impurities -Removes toxins -Regenerates skin cells.




Innovative and effective procedure carried out by means of neodymium Laser Yag technology, which is based on the capacity of the laser beam to heat the protein responsible for the elasticity of the skin, being this the collagen.

How does it work? After applying a mask of activated carbon, the laser energy penetrates the epidermis, heats the collagen and destroys it, stimulating the new manufacture of this protein, making the skin more dense and elastic and in turn the mask is vaporized by the action of the laser shots, eliminating the superficial layers of the skin, which results in cell renewal.

The evidence of the effectiveness of this high-energy radiation is translated by a photo-acoustic effect, which gives rise to a mechanical shock wave on the skin surface and which can be appreciated both by touch and by the perception of a click.

There are three heads, which we will distinguish by means of the color:

Black - CARBON PEEL Silver - Tattoo Removal (DARK INK) Blue - Removal of COLOR TATTOOS
1.- A layer of activated carbon mask is applied to the treated area
This carbon asset has the ability to absorb dirt from deep within the pores. It can also act to reduce acne inflammation and exfoliate the skin.
2. A laser is then passed over the surface of the skin.
The laser breaks up the carbon dust, taking with it any contaminants it has absorbed. The carbon particles are very small, and are able to penetrate the pores and places of difficult access, allowing the laser to effectively deliver its energy to these selected areas.
The amount of heat that is produced when the carbon dust is broken down stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, giving it the benefit of diminishing fine lines and shiny wrinkles. At the same time, the heat destroys the P-acne bacteria responsible for pimples, achieving better control of acne.


All skin types (Oily/Mixed/Mature/Dry) Presence of wrinkles Appearance of fine expression lines Lack of tonicity Rough and dull skin Acneic Skin (GRADE I & II) Hyperchromies Dilated pore Skin allergic to certain acids used in peelings

What are the benefits? Exfoliative properties. Cellular regeneration. Fading of expression lines and wrinkles. Luminosity. Cleaner skin. Control of seborrhea and mild to moderate acne. Deep moisturization. Uniform tone. Frequency of Treatment

The treatment planning is 4 sessions, carried out on a monthly basis. It is not necessary to supplement with another cabin treatment, as this is a treatment with multiple benefits and we need the skin to restore and assimilate the destruction and production of collagen protein.

Side Effects

The Carbon Peel Laser is a fast procedure that has no downtime. There is no break in the continuity of the skin tissue during the treatment. A slight redness of the treated area may appear and normally resolve in about 30 minutes. As with all cosmetic treatments, occasional side effects and complications can occur, but are rare. Contraindications

Pregnancy/ Breastfeeding Keloid Healing Skin Cancer Cancer patients (active and/or in treatment) Open wounds in the area to be treated Herpes Facial Dermatitis Psoriasis Rosacea Melanomas on the skin Epilepsy Diabetes Skin infections Intensely tanned and/or red (sensitive) skin Chronic and serious diseases


Avoiding direct sunlight Essential use of sunscreen (recommend Elleven SPF) Avoid pools/saunas for the first 5 days Dermatological line support and/or florigan at home according to skin type and treatment objective. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Consume foods rich in Vitamin C for a better synthesis of collagen that will be produced Translated with (free version)
Facial cleansing is an essential routine to maintain the hygiene of the facial skin. Dirt and environmental pollution, makeup and even stress are some factors that cause the skin to accumulate dirt and lose vitality, freshness and luminosity. As much as you clean your skin daily, it gets dirty day by day. Before performing a facial cleansing, the professional will evaluate the skin type to adjust the necessary treatment. Each type of skin, whether dry, oily or combination, has specific characteristics and, therefore, different needs. Once the skin type has been identified, the professional will begin with the facial cleansing itself. The skin cleansing includes a first cleaning to remove the most superficial dirt and an exfoliation to remove the deepest impurities. In addition, the professional will use some method to open the pores and remove blackheads without damaging the skin (for example, with ozone steam) .Once the pores are open and the deep dirt removed, it is necessary to close the pores and cauterize them to decongest the skin and lower the inflammation produced by the process. This step is usually followed by a massage on the face and neck to relax the skin and restore smoothness. Finally, it is necessary to nourish the skin well. For this, the professional will apply a mask appropriate to the type of skin.